Through 1:1 work + 4 group sessions, I’ll help you to understand how you uniquely experience (or sense) the world and why you feel what you do — and then make a plan to get your needs met in every aspect of your life.
See Sample Itinerary for more specific details.
Renowned boudoir photographer Mark Matthews creates the safest environment imaginable in a closed-door, private photography session for you to fall in love with your body.
Mark specializes in coaching the authentic you out and helping people of every body type to fall in love with their forms.
I promise you’ve never felt as sexy or powerful as you will in this session, no matter what anxieties it’s bringing up.
Find more photos by Mark below.
Queer, sex-positive astrologer Alex Amorosi will take you on an in-depth journey in a private 1:1 session through your birth chart to understand your sexuality, release shame, and ask any questions about your life.
This is unlike any other astrology reading you’ve had.