
Mapping Sensitivities + Your Money Story

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I got to hang out with the Debt Free Guys on Queer Money Podcast to talk about why money is about sensitivities and values -- and how, if we understand our sensitivities, we can understand our entire life purpose and take control of how we spend money. Listen + read for more.

I had the pleasure of chatting with the Debt Free Guys on Queer Money Podcast about mapping sensitivities.

To be honest, I didn’t always have my own empowered relationship with money.

I spent lots of money to avoid problems or seem successful. And that worked okay when I made lots of money.

But then I first started this business. And I had to take a look at my own patterns.

The truth is we all spend money because we want to FEEL something.

Maybe I buy a leather jacket to feel cool. Or a new pillow to feel comfortable. Or new underwear to feel sexy.

And what we individually want to feel always maps back to our sensitivities—what we’re most sensitive to in life.

They’re the things we feel most. What turns us on. What makes us come alive. Where we hold the most trauma.

And, of course, how we spend money.

A few years ago, I made a new rule.

Any time I wanted to buy something expensive, I’d figure out which of my sensitivities I was trying to feel—Aligned, Zany, Free, Unmistakable, Successful, or Vulnerable.

And then I’d give myself 3 days to find a cheaper, better way to feel that. At the end of those 3 days, if I still wanted it, I’d buy it.

90% of the time, I didn’t.

Because money is about our sensitivities. So I got to chat with Queer Money Podcast about how to map our own sensitivities and understand our brand of:

—Body love

Check it out above. And let me know what you think of this one!

Mike Iamele

Mike Iamele

I help people map their sensitivities and lived experiences to discover their purpose + brand. We call it Sacred Branding®.

Learn how to map your own sensitivities:


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